Lessons can always be learnt from history about how we live our lives and organise our communities and here at Linmere we are no exception.
We have learnt through our archaeology that the area has been populated from Roman times through to the present day. With the areas early agricultural advantage the land continued to be settled and farmed. Over the years the fields which formed these little farmsteads and then later on became bigger farms, gained unique names, some relating to the ownership of the fields some of which simply described its use.
We have used these wonderful field names dating back to as early as 1762 in our street naming strategy for example Huckett Street and Elmers Gate.
In those streets that fall within the Chalton Parish we will be using names that we have chosen with the parish council which refer to both field names and historic personalities of the area, such as Snoggles wood and Mearson, the Mearson family held property in the parish in 1697.
At Linmere we are very proud of the local history and are looking forward to adding our own story to the area for many years to come.