Make your count, COUNT!
The Big Garden Birdwatch, run by the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) is taking place on the weekend of January 27–29 and we hope to encourage Linmere residents to play their part. The Big Garden Birdwatch provides a vital picture of our birdlife, across the country.
It’s free, fun and for anyone with a garden, near Linmere Park, a balcony or even just a window. By giving one hour of your time to count the birds you see and sharing your efforts on the Big Garden Birdwatch website, you will provide a valuable contribution from Linmere to the national effort.
Over the past 50 years, we’ve lost close to 40 million birds from our country’s skies. Whilst we’re all a lot smarter about our wildlife and environment today, there’s a lot to repair. By taking part, you’ll be joining hundreds of thousands of others, as well as the Linmere team and the children of Thornhill school, in taking action to protect our birds for generations to come.
Taking part is as easy as 1, 2, 3
01 Pick a patch – this could be your garden, a patch of Linmere park, a window ledge or a balcony. If you can, create a bird feeding station.
02 Count how many of each species of bird LAND on the patch you’ve chosen, in just one hour.
03 Go on to the Big Garden Birdwatch website to share your efforts
Attracting birds to your patch
There’s some good advice on setting-up a bird feeding station in your garden or patch, on the RSPB website here. It’s important to use the right food and keep your feeding station clean. If you don’t get a feeding station together, Richard our Ranger will be running a session on upcycling household packaging into a funky birdfeeder. This will be at the Farmstead on Sunday 29 January, between 11am-12pm. This will also be a chance to share your findings with Richard, to feed into a wider picture on our birdlife around Linmere.
If you want to take part, you can get hold of a Big Garden Birdwatch pack, from the website link here. You can also sign up for emails with advice on attracting birds to your patch.
We hope you find some time to take part in this important event. Our birdlife and natural environment are an important part of Linmere living. The efforts we make now will last for generations to come.
Make your count, COUNT!
Details for the Big Garden Birdwatch can be found on this link here.